In the summer semester 2023, I am the teaching assistant for the course “Complex Analysis” at the University of Hannover.

I carried out the following independent teaching at the University of Hannover:

WiSe 21/22: Seminar on Fractals

I was the teaching assistant for the following course at the University of Hannover:

SuSe 22: Analysis for Computer Science students
SuSe 21: Complex Analysis

I was a tutor for the following courses at the University of Hannover:

WiSe 22/23: Analysis I
WiSe 21/22: Analysis I
WiSe 20/21: Analysis I
SuSe 20: Analysis B

I was a teaching assistant for the following courses at the University of Göttingen:

SuSe 19: Noncommutative Geometry II
WiSe 18/19: Analysis I
SuSe 18: Mathematics for Physics Students II
WiSe 17/18: Mathematics for Physics Students I